SSO - single sign-on

The "Open Authorization" (OAuth 2.0) standard enables a website or application to access resources hosted by other web apps on a user's behalf. Our SSO supports both SAML 2.0 and OAuth 2.0. We use SAML and OAuth 2.0 to make logging into our system easier. As an example, we used the OAuth 2.0 protocol for integration with Microsoft and Google, which is the most convenient for integration with cloud systems. Practice shows that more and more companies are using the OAuth 2.0 protocol, which can significantly save time for users to log in compared to LDAP or Archive Directory.

Simplicity of registration

If you have a Microsoft account, you can register with our system as an individual client for personal use of the system with Microsoft authorization, which greatly facilitated access to our system for people who did not want to enter their data.

The simplified way of registration allows you to maintain full confidentiality and the ability to refuse to fill out a registration form in our system. Registration through Microsoft is realized in two clicks.  

SSO in Google

When logging in or registering in our system, the user just needs to select the Google service, and then confirm the desire to log into our system using the user's Google account, thereby our system will create an account for you using the data entered into Google.

This process is simple and extremely safe, since Google protects your personal data and provides only the data necessary for registration in the form of your Name and email address.

Below we show what a working diagram of the two protocols SAML and OAuth 2.0 looks like.

Authorization via Facebook

Facebook is also a tool for quick logging and registration of individual users in the system.

We use the power of Facebook to simplify and automate secure login. Thus, you can create accounts in our system using your Facebook account.