Canvas and is an official partner of Canvas. The integration between Canvas and is designed based on LTI 1.3. The LTI 1.3 is available in Canvas in many languages including English, German and Spanish. All data transferred through LTI 1.3 is secured and encoded according to the GDPR and ISO 27001.

How to integrate your Canvas and

To get the integration you need to follow we simple steps:

Follow the website and register your LTI here,

Once LTI is registered, we receive notification and approve it,

We create for you a corporate client account in and initiate integration!

Learn more about advantages of StrikePlagiarism LTI

StrikePlagiarism LTI is integrated with  the Speed Grader™, however, you can grade not only at the Speed Grader™ but at the Interactive Similarity Report as well! Just enter report and add grading at the right top corner. 

The teacher can create assignment and enroll students or a group of students for an Assignment. Students can upload documents or even add a google document.

Student can see the status of grading and status of reviewing which makes communication between the teacher and student more effective.